So you've been thinking about trying a darker beer for a while now, but you just can't see paying for a six pack that you might not like. We've got the answer.
We'll let you mix-a-six of Sam Adams beer. That's right, you can take home six different beers from the Sam Adams line.
Sam Adams was one of the first U.S.craft brewers to gain a reputation amongst beer lovers. Though they are no longer the small brewery in Boston that they once were, they boast an impressive array of flavorful beers in many different styles.
Choose from Boston Lager, Sam Light, Cherry Wheat, Blackberry Witbier, Black Lager, Latitude 48 I.P.A, Whitewater I.P.A, or Alpine Spring. Taste them all to find the one that appeals to you!
We'll let you mix-a-six of Sam Adams beer. That's right, you can take home six different beers from the Sam Adams line.
Sam Adams was one of the first U.S.craft brewers to gain a reputation amongst beer lovers. Though they are no longer the small brewery in Boston that they once were, they boast an impressive array of flavorful beers in many different styles.
Choose from Boston Lager, Sam Light, Cherry Wheat, Blackberry Witbier, Black Lager, Latitude 48 I.P.A, Whitewater I.P.A, or Alpine Spring. Taste them all to find the one that appeals to you!